My name's Diana, or on these wild wide internets, Dromeda does fine. I'm an ABC (American Born Chinese), and I'm moving to Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China in a little under four months to teach English there. Because I hate monopolizing my conversations with friends with nothing but "OMG CHINA", and because I'm enough of a persnicket to want to keep everything in the same place, this blog was born. I'm inspired in no small part by my friend Koba's blog, Adventures in the 4077th. I highly recommend checking her blog out- for one, you can tell she's a Creative Writing major so it's actually interesting to read from a writing standpoint. While I can BS with reasonable ease, my skills lie in academic BSery and less with wordsmithing.
A few things to get out of the way, before the actual content can begin. 1. There will be swearing. There will be a shitton of swearing. I don't have Tarantino-level mouth, but I don't shy away from the Carlin 7, either. 2. Occasionally politics will creep in. I'm an avowed lefty (though I tend to prefer the phrase "Pinko Commie Scum") and moving to a country that has such a large role in global politics is going to mean that it's going to influence my posting. 3. I'm a nerd. I like really random things, like yelling about prepositions and trains and knitting. So please forgive the scattered nature of the topics.
Now that I've thoroughly bored you all, on with the content!
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